Welcome back to The Unleashed Podcast, I’m your host, Kristina Sjolund and I thank you for tuning in and listening to what I have to say.

Now today, I’m going to talk about something that a lot of people don’t really think about, and I know this because of what has been in my inbox, a lot of my friends know that I am, I’m not a prepper in the way that I’m overly prepared, really, I’m rather un-organized in a lot of areas, but I do like to be prepared for whatever is going to come. And you know maybe people think…Oh, the apocalypse and trust me, I have been made fun of and I have been mocked by family and my ex-husband thought I was nuts for wanting to have an emergency preparedness food storage set-up. And so I never followed through with that. I guess followed through isn’t really the right word, but it’s not something that I was ever able to really do while I was married.

We had enough food in the refrigerator to last us probably through the week without having to go to the grocery store, but anything longer than that we were probably in some trouble.

Now my question for you is, are you prepared? This sparked me for this topic this week as I was scrolling through Twitter, and I’m on Twitter actually quite a bit more than Facebook.

I saw this question that somebody had posted on there, and I thought, Wow, that’s really interesting where my mind went and the question was, “What’s your best advice in four words or less?”

Do you wanna know what my answer was?

My answer was time travelers, skip 2020.That was my very first thing that I thought of was… If you’re a time traveler do not stop at 2020, keep on going, find someplace else to go, because you’re not going have fun.

So what are you prepared for? Are you prepared for anything that comes our way?

Listen in…


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• I will say that I was actually impressed with as prepared for it I was. I have about a year’s worth of food supply that if I ran out of what I have in my refrigerator, my freezer, and all of that, if I ran out of all that I would still have about a year’s worth of food supply for me and my girls. (06:58)

• I want you to make sure that you are empowered in the sense that you can take care of yourself should something happen. If crap hits the fan who’s going to be able to take care of you? The last couple of weeks we’ve seen so much unrest and the police are tied up and trying to stop what’s happening or protect businesses and protect people, we are in a position where it’s going to take a longer response for anybody to come help us. (9:28)

• I think it was each month, I was for several months in a row I was purchasing a three months supply for me and my girls. Now, you can do what is best for you, but I would suggest you check out some different places. I know that there’s several different food brands out there. I can’t remember. There’s one in particular that I have seen at Cabello and those kinds of places. (13:57)

• I know that a lot of you who are listening, and I’m putting myself in there, because I have gone through it before. But what we deal with sometimes is people mocking us, we deal with people talking smack, we deal with negative comments on social media, we deal with our family who looks at a side eyed, like what do you…Oh, and the eye roles and all of that. You guys, I felt like that and I even got that. When I was married he thought that it was silly for me to prepare like that, you know, I called it being prepared, and he called it crazy. (16:21)

• I’m hoping that you take one step into doing something to get yourself and your family ready and make sure that you guys are safe, that you can protect yourself, that you’ve got it all handled, as much as you can, to the best of your ability. (20:15)

June 10, 2020