Hello and welcome back to The Unleashed Podcast, I am your host Kristina Sjolund and today we’re going to chat a little bit about transforming versus conforming, and at the end of this podcast, I think you’re going to be able to decipher what direction you are going to take this during this time.

We have been talking every week for the past few weeks about this crisis that we’re in, because honestly, let’s face it, this is life-changing. I don’t care who you are. This is a disruption in our lives that we’ve not ever had to experience before.

And so a lot of people have trouble navigating through it.

A lot of people, they’re kind of like…I picture a lot of my friends as boats out at sea and they don’t have any direction, they’re just kind of floating and they don’t really know where to go. And it’s time to pick up the oars and start taking charge of what’s happening so that you can have some control out of how your outcome will be once we get through this.

So what I have noticed with a lot of my friends, whether they be personal friends of mine, or their contacts on Facebook, on Twitter, social media, people have expectations. Okay, we all have expectations. We have expectations of how our lives are going to go. We have expectations of what everybody expects, they have expectations of how their life is going to play out.

Now, what happens when something comes along and disrupts your expectations? You’re like…Oh no, you didn’t have a backup plan. Well, this was different than any other time, right?

But I can tell you this, that it all comes down to how you handle every single situation.

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• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• When it comes to this situation, this crisis that we’re in, you can either conform to the situation, and these are all outside influences. You are like, if you’re watching the news all day, or let’s say you are still at work or whatever, if you are watching the news all the time, you have outside influences that are coming at you, let me just tell you, they are telling you what they want. (04:05)

• When all this passes, I still want to have meals with my family at home, every night around the table. And we share our thoughts for the day. I know that I’ve talked to you about, you probably get sick of it, but my kids and I, we talk about three things that we’re grateful for and I’m not going to lie, it’s harder for them to come up with three to five things because they’re inside. Well, they go outside and hang out on the trampoline, but they’re not hanging out with their friends anymore, they’re not having that physical interaction, with their friends, so they have to look a little bit harder, and you know what, that’s okay. (6:14)

• We start realizing what we can really survive on, because we are taking the things that are actually meaningful that give us, we’re taking the things that are actually meaningful to us and we put value in the things that don’t cost money. We find value in our families, we find value in board games with them, we find value in the laughter that we all hear when we’re around that board game, we find value in the conversations that we’re able to have. Now, maybe there’s less stress from work, maybe you have a little bit of stress right now, because you’re not at work, but that family comfort, because your family is where the stability is. (8:13)

• When you start really gaining that stability within, you’re going to have more trust in the outcome because we don’t have control over the plan right? But, we can control how we navigate through it. And again, it sounds easy, but it’s really not, your mind is powerful, it’s very, very strong, but you have to change your mind from what you know and loosen that grip, if your grip is, you know, I can’t do this, you’ve got to let go. (12:30)

• You need to change that mindset, you need to change your mind from what you know, and you have to work hard at that positive feeling, at the positive talk, the positive thoughts you need to pour in to yourself and then you’re going to attract, and then you’re going to be the beacon of light that others need during this time. (14:05)

April 29, 2020