So often I have been asked, “Why would you take the risk of Network Marketing?” Well, let me think about that…Because I want TIME FREEDOM. “But it takes so much time for little reward.” Yeah, tell my kids and my financial advisor that.

When this opportunity, which that is EXACTLY what it was, was presented to me, my life was very unstable. I had been a stay at home mom, raising my 2 beautiful little girls for 7 years of their little lives. Then, I became a single mom. Nobody PLANS to become that. I didn’t get married so that I could have kids and get a divorce.

During the time I was at home with my girls though, I had dabbled in some home based businesses. Several, actually, with little success. Sometimes making $1000 to $2000 a month, but those were on the GOOD months. But it took a LOT of “parties”. Then a true opportunity knocked…something that could literally change lives. Health wise, financial wise…it rocked my world. I have never looked back.

When I was married, I didn’t have a savings account. No retirement. No extra money, and ALWAYS late on every bill. Do you know what it’s like to NOT be financially stressed?

The time I take each day to work my Network Marketing business is so much easier than setting my alarm to get my kids to before/after school care and having someone else take care of them until I get off work. Better than clocking in each day to work somewhere that I am most likely unappreciated and there is a LIMIT on what my paycheck will be. I don’t have to ask for time off when my kids are sick or if I want to take a vacation with them, let alone being able to AFFORD that time off. I now have a plan for my retirement years.

So, to answer the question of why I would take the risk of network marketing, it’s all about freedom. Time freedom, family freedom, financial freedom and creating more options than I ever dreamed possible. That’s why I CHOOSE Network Marketing.