Hello and welcome back to The unleashed podcast, I’m your host, Kristina Sjolund and I want to thank you for tuning in today. What I’ve been noticing lately, is a lot is competition with others, as far as where you’re going and what you’ve been accomplishing. I feel it’s so important for us to reflect on ourselves and where we’re at, and reside in the present for ourselves because your day is coming.

Every single podcast that I record, my goal is to touch one person, and open the floodgates for every person who hears it, who hears my words. And I also pray that this podcast is the one that people can’t wait to share with everyone that they know.

That’s my goal. We’ve talked about this before, that I don’t care if it’s a million people or it’s one person, I want to touch that one person’s life where they can then use their light and light up other people. And I feel that that’s really hard for us because if we don’t know our relevance to others, sometimes we don’t feel relevant to ourselves, we’ve all experienced it, whether you know it or not.

Okay, let’s talk about the podcast. If I don’t know that I have touched somebody’s life or made a difference in how they felt for that day, then I don’t know that my words were relevant. My words mean something. I don’t speak cheaply, I hope that makes sense I want my words to matter. I choose them carefully and I very much walk in faith each and every day, I’m so thankful for the blessings that I have in my life and I know that that creates a light in me and I can bring that to others. And the only way that I can really do that is through words.

I want you to know that I want you to walk in faith, I want you to have faith that you are where you need to be. When you realize that you have the ability to walk and to be present, to be able to be present in the now.

Listen in…


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• When you reside in the present things start to happen, connections are made, God puts the right people in our path. And if you’re trying to move ahead of where you truly, are you miss what’s supposed to be on your path, you miss your growth, you stunt your growth. So be okay with where you’re at. If you have too many bills, you’ve lost your job, whatever it is, that might be where you are right now, but it doesn’t mean that that’s where you’re going to stay. (05:09)

• And when we’re comparing ourselves to other people, we need to make sure that we remember that our path is our path. So your path isn’t somebody else’s path, and their path obviously isn’t yours either, so don’t compare yourself to anyone else because their path is different than yours. (8:03)

• When I talk about winning, because I think just about every week on this podcast I talk about winning, winning in life. I was thinking about it, and I said, “You know what, when I talk about it, I’m not talking about the competition with others, I’m talking about competition with ourselves. (10:00)

• Okay, so maybe you believe in a higher power, maybe it’s not God himself, but there is a plan and you are not in control of the end plan, but you are in control of how you handle that which has been given to you. You are in total control of how you deal with the things that are brought to you, you are in control of staying on your own path. (11:14)

• Every podcast that I record, every single week, I pray that it touches somebody. I pray that it falls on the ears of somebody that needs to hear this, that needs these words in their life. If that’s you. I want to know, I want to know because I want to know that that happened to that one person, and if it’s helpful to you. If you loved this, if it spoke to you, it’s going to speak to somebody else because you’re not alone. I want you to share it with somebody, tell somebody else about it. Here, I heard this today, I think it might help you out, and maybe we can spread that light all together. (13:03)

May 27, 2020