Welcome back to the Unleashed Podcast. I’m your host, Kristina Sjolund. I want to thank you for being here today and tuning in. I am so blessed to have you as part of my audience today. I feel like you’re going to have to be wearing your big girl, or big boy, panties today. I’m going to talk about, well, to put it blunt, stop whining and start winning. So what makes us, what builds our character? What causes us to grow? Well, you know what kind of things make us better people? What makes us want more? What creates the kind of person that we are? Challenges. Things that happen in our lives, things that happen to us. We learn how to deal with these things. We learn how to get past these things. This is what makes us grow. How many times did you come across struggles growing up, whether it be through your elementary years or your teenage years? What kind of crap got handed to you and what did you do with it?

Did you sit there, lay down and take the loss and wallow in your sorrows? Most likely, if you’re listening to this podcast, the answer is going to be no. You didn’t sit there and let the crap happen and just not take it as a growing opportunity, not take it as some way to move forward in your life. So challenges, adversity, struggles, whatever you want to call it. If you sit there and accept that crap, that’s all you’re going to have. So why would you want to settle for that? Especially when you’re made for so much better. You deserve so much more. So take your challenge and that’s exactly what it is, it’s a challenge. Take it and turn it into a win.


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• If you sit on the sidelines or you don’t even get out of the locker room, what makes you think that you’re going to win? You have to get in the game. You’ve got to play the game. It’s life. So turn that around. That wins. It’s going to build your strength. And it’s gonna build your strength past what you ever thought that it could ever be. (04:56)

• I don’t care what challenge it is in your life. If it involves another person, why hold onto the grudge? Why would you hold on and give that person your power when you can turn that around into fuel for you to be a better person, to be more than what they thought you could be and more than what you thought you could be. (06:24)

• I was challenged to come out of this cocoon that I had been in. I was given the opportunity to do something more than what I was, being as a stay at home mom or as a housewife. I had something to share. I had a message I had things to accomplish. And you know what else? I had people that I didn’t know at the time, but I had people that I was going to help get their wins. (06:54)

• I’ve been in some mastermind groups with people whose success would make your head spin, and the best part, not one of those people considers themselves a victim. None of them. They have had terrible things happen in their lives. It’s when we’re all getting to know each other and we’re sharing our stories. What created you? (10:39)

• One of my mentors had said it to me, and I didn’t get it at first, it took me a few minutes. But who loses if you don’t win? Your win can affect so many people because here’s what I want you to think about. My win has probably touched you because if it didn’t, you wouldn’t still be listening to this podcast right now. (12:33)

March 04, 2020