Do you worry about what others will think about starting your own business?  Worried about if someone is going to roll their eyes and say “Now what is she doing?” or “What is he trying to sell now?” Here’s MY question…Why the heck do we put so much of our value and self worth into other people who don’t pay our bills?  Why do the people who wouldn’t support us have so much influence on what we do or how we run our business?  When we put our value and self worth into someone else’s hands (unbeknownst to them) we question our own ability to create success. When doing what seems to be a small task, and someone says to you “HA!  You’re never going to be able to do that.  That’s impossible.”, do you just stop?  Most likely, you are going to do your best to prove them wrong, am I correct?  But, when it comes to business, it seems as though so many will cower into a corner the moment someone asks us why we would do that.  My answer to them would be “Because I want to create some financial breathing room and freedom for myself and my family.  I want to be more prepared for my future.  I don’t want to stress about paying my bills and I want to have a financial cushion.  Wouldn’t you want the same?”  Who are they to judge you in what you want?  And who are YOU to hold YOU back from creating a life that you deserve?  ESPECIALLY when someone else put a wet blanket on that desire you had.  Hand that blanket back to them because you have a fire burning inside you that is about to ignite your future! So, there are 2 types of people…those who say “HA!  Watch me do this” and those who sulk in the corner and blame everyone else for their lack of success.  Which are you? Don’t wait for the permission from others to start building your future, YOU GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD YOUR FUTURE!   It is YOURS!  Your success is going to piss people off.  The more success you create, the more people you will piss off.  It’s ok.  Your supporters will be there, the others will sort themselves out.  You will rise higher and those who don’t rise with you will stay where they are at.  That’s ok, you are building your future.  There is a reason why Eagles fly higher and fly alone.  They don’t have time to stay on the ground looking for worms. You have a fire in you, go ignite it and unleash your future.