Welcome back to The Unleashed Podcast, I’m your host, Kristina Sjolund and I appreciate you listening in today. We’re going to talk about disconnecting and relaxing, taking some time for ourselves, because right now is such a crazy time in our world, and it doesn’t seem to be settling down any time soon.

And it feels like it is one thing right after another. And we go into a new month and we’ve got a new craziness, a new deadly bug, a new virus, a new whatever may come, and holy smokes, and people have really become disconnected from what they really need to be centered on. You need to be centered in yourself and screens have become an inescapable part of our lives.

It’s the biggest part. We spend more time on our phones and on our laptops. Maybe watching Netflix, especially during this quarantine. Oh, maybe have binge watched a new series on Netflix. So it’s how we get our news, it’s how we communicate with our friends and our family, and recently it’s become nearly the only way that our kids can communicate with their friends. It’s how they receive their education. Now, did you know that the average person, this will blow your mind, maybe not, I don’t know, but the average person spends 10 hours a day in front of a screen. How many people do we hear say that they don’t have time for certain things? They’re too busy to work out, they don’t have time to go for a walk with their kids or whatever. It might be, but those same people can be found on their phone or their laptop, they’re replying to social media comments, maybe scrolling or just wasting time in front of a screen.

So, disconnecting and unplugging, it’s very healthy for you, and it’s good for you.

Listen in…


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• I want you to get some of your time back I want you to get some happy back, and for you to realize that things really are better than they seem. It’s confusing because we see one thing on TV and we see another thing when we go out into the real world. Have you ever noticed that? (04:33)

• Do you know that working in your yard is the best way to become grounded? When you go out there and you’re digging in the earth you’re planting flowers, you’re out there being grounded, you’re in the ground. How many people get back to a sense of centeredness? You go out there and you feel productive when you do that. That is so important for us. (6:00)

• I write things down, it has something…to me personally, it helps it stick in my brain, it hits me differently than when I’m typing it on my computer in my notes. So write it down, write in a book, write in a journal, write on a tablet. Maybe you want to do something for somebody else, maybe you want to help the neighbor, maybe there’s an elderly neighbor that maybe can’t work in their own yard, maybe you go work in theirs, maybe you go help them with that. Maybe it’s even as little as helping your child with their homework, if they’re still in school. (7:12)

• I use the Calm App on my phone, and I go to the meditation section and I click on the sleep and it gives me all kinds of different options of sleep meditation. And it’s soft music, there’s one with the train sound, there’s ocean waves, there’s different options that it gives me…and I love them. I’ve done all of those different options and it walks you through with a voice. There’s a person that’s telling you how to relax each part of your body. And I’ll tell you what, I am out within about two minutes. (9:16)

• I want you to do something for yourself. This right here is so important for you, for your health, for your well-being right now. We’ve got to concentrate on that, we’ve got to take care of our minds, we’ve got to take care of our hearts. Okay, some people have hurting hearts right now, let’s heal them. Healing yourself first. (10:26)

WHEN DOES IT AIR…June 3, 2020