Hello and welcome back to The Unleashed Podcast. I’m your host, Kristina Sjolund, and I appreciate you taking the time every week to listen in and see what kind of crazy ideas and tips that I’ve got to bring to you, and sometimes they might be a little bit out there.

But that’s why we have so much fun, right? And in the crazy times, life likes to throw at us, we’ve got to have some fun, we’ve got to create some fun in it if it’s possible. If you’re a first time listener, I want to thank you, I want to welcome you. And I will tell you something, this podcast is so much fun for me to do, I enjoy it so much, and the feedback that I get, I appreciate it so much, it keeps me driven to bring you more.

Each week, I bring different tips and ideas that have helped me, because I figure I’m the regular old person… Okay, well, I’m not old, we’re only as old as we feel we are, but I’m just a regular old person. I am no different than you, or the next person down the street, and I wanna make sure that what has worked for me gets passed along to be able to work for somebody else. Because we’re all kind of the same, we’re navigating through this same crazy world, we have different things that come at us, we’ve got different things that God has presented to us, different situations, maybe something that I have gone through is something that you’re going through right now. And whatever helped me, just might help you as well.

Listen in…


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• We go through our lives and we have these dreams, we’ve got these expectations of our lives, and we sit here and we wonder, how do we get there? How do we reach this goal? Now, believe it or not, there are some people who don’t have those kind of visions, those kind of dreams, but most likely those people aren’t listening to this podcast. Because they just, they don’t have visions like you do. You have visions of something that you want to happen in your life, you’ve got a place, you’ve got somewhere that you want to go…a goal to get to. (02:16)

• That’s the kind of world that we live in now, everybody labels and the world of social media is vicious. Social media, it has helped a lot of people. It’s helped me. If I didn’t have social media, I wouldn’t have been able to reach the people that I’ve been able to reach to build my business and create the connections that I’ve had that have moved me forward in my life. But I’ll tell you this, that social media can be just as vicious, and what I want you to do is break the chains of that, I don’t want you living in the chains of the labels. And I don’t care who it is, I don’t care if it is your family, your friends, your spouse or your kids. (04:11)

• If you’re listening to this, I hope that you are a believer. I am a believer, I have faith, I know that God is real, I know that. I will tell you something, we have been blessed beyond measure in my family, and I know why, I know why, I don’t live by somebody else’s labels, I don’t live by somebody else’s judgment, I’m only judged by one, and that’s not even me. Even though sometimes I sit here, and I might make judgments about my pictures and stuff like that, but that’s not truth. (5:28)

• I’ll never forget that. I am mad that I did believe it, but also it drove me to be more… It drove me to be more than that. It drove me to be something that I was told that I couldn’t be successful. But whose idea of success are we living up to? Is it our idea of success, is it somebody else’s idea of success? Because let me also tell you this, that once you reach a level of success, you’re then criticized by a lot of the same people who told you that you couldn’t do something, who told you that you couldn’t do just that, and then you did. (8:09)

• It doesn’t even take money, your faith is free, your faith and your belief in yourself is free. It doesn’t cost you anything to move forward, you’ve got to take action though, if you want to be successful in any way. If you want to be able to pay your bills. Okay, that to me, there’s a success right there. If you can pay your bills with comfort and still be able to breathe and enjoy your family later on, that to me, my friends, is success, winning. Continue winning. I love winning.(10:32)

July 01, 2020