This is your host, Kristina Sjolund. I appreciate you listening in and taking that time out of your day because I know how precious your time is. So how’s everybody hanging in there? How’s it going? We’re in pretty uncertain times, aren’t we? This is crazy, right? Well, what I wanted to cover today, it’s really been weighing on my heart lately because I see so much fear and I see panic, and man, what’s up with the toilet paper guys? Everybody’s gonna react differently. But what I really wanted to reach out to my people and say is, be the calm in the storm. All right? What I mean by that is, I’m such a visual person, and I think of things being like, okay, you’re in a burning building and you need to know which direction to go. And there’s somebody who’s panicking and freaking out and flailing. Or if there’s somebody who’s cool, calm, and collected, maybe they don’t know exactly where they’re going to go, but you can tell that that person is calm enough where they’re not going to get rattled. They’re gonna probably lead you or maybe create a team and find a way out. You need to be that calm, cool and collected person because you’ve got people watching you.

Do you have kids? Those kids are watching you. I want to share with you my daughter’s reaction. I picked my kids up from school the other day and through this whole ordeal, you know, this whole Coronavirus thing, I picked my kids up from school because our governor closed schools for six weeks. There’s a lot of people freaking out about that and through this whole thing, I’ve told my kids, just relax.

Make sure you’re washing your hands. Don’t be touching your face, use a napkin or your sleeve or something to open up doors, don’t be sharing drinks with anybody. So I just kept telling them, just don’t worry about it. Don’t stress, it’ll pass. Listen in…


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• We’re faced with a challenge right now and how we handle this is going to determine the end result. Okay? Not the big end result as far as an entire country or world or however you want to say it, but personally, how this is going to the end result for you personally, how are you going to handle this? (03:47)

• This is a situation that we’ve been handled and we’re going to handle it. We’re going to take it as it comes and we’re going to turn this challenge into a win. (04:50)

• What we’ve talked about before so many times, is that challenges bring growth, and you’ve got options. You either panic and let that fear take control or you stay calm and control what you can. (05:48)

• How they can capitalize on that vision that they have, and that passion. Why wouldn’t you do that? Because not only is it helping you, but it’s helping somebody else’s well, because you’ve got a solution to their problem. (09:39)

• You know, just like the sailboat. Do you know if that sailboat is in the middle of a storm, you have to adjust its sales in the wind so that you can get to where you need to go? You’ve survived job changes, you’ve survived losses, layoffs, you name it, you’ve survived. So you’re going to survive again. (12:07)

March 18, 2020