Thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to me. Today I promise, that by the end of this podcast, your going to have a better understanding of what you need to focus on in your life. This is going to be different then most of the other ones that I have done, let me share with you the inspiration of where this podcast came from. So in the past week, like I told you before, I get so many messages every week from many of you listeners, you’ve sent me these messages, that sometimes bring these tears to my eyes. I’m like, Oh my gosh, I have to look up because if I don’t, these tears are going to drip down my face. The messages are amazing, of how they have touched you in some way, but two in particular this past week, and you’ll both know who you are when you’re listening to this.

So, this friend of mine, she’s a teacher, she brought my podcast to her students, she was telling me about these students and how they were stressed out because it’s the end of the trimester and they’ve got their tests, and you know the anxiety of all of this. And I remember as a student, I know it was a really long time ago, but I remember as a student all of that stress, and I also have two young girls at home who they experience stress as well. Then I got another message from another friend of mine saying how she wants her daughter to be listening to this podcast, and she’s I think about 13 years old, 14 maybe. And she says she wants her daughter to listen to it because she thinks that it would help her. Listen, I’m going to share her story at the end.


• Kristina’s Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed


• This is going to be the kind of podcast that you’re going to be able to listen in the car with your kids. You’re going to be able to share with them. It doesn’t matter if they’re eight, or if they’re, you know 21, you can share this one because this is different. (03:08)

• Does everyone have the confidence? No. Well, I take that back. You have it in you, but for some people it just hasn’t come out yet, but it’s there and we’re all born fearless. Watch a baby. They could walk straight off of a ledge because they have no fear. They have nothing. How many times have you seen a baby going towards the stairs? They’re not afraid. They have zero fear. Even when that baby falls down, it doesn’t even phase them. (06:09)

• When you’ve been married, started your family, you have a home and all of a sudden all of that comes crashing down, and ends in a divorce. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew in that moment that there’s an amazing life possible after that? I’m proof. Did I know that there was going to be an amazing life after that? (08:05)

• The crap that you go through now can build strength in your message because it builds a strength in your soul. Okay? The specific story that I wanted to tell you about, that I told you in the beginning, this was one of those stories that inspired this entire subject. (09:10)

• There’s this voice in my head that repeats that phrase. Feel the fear, do it anyway because that’s going to push you to grow. I hope that this message today helped give you or someone else, some sort of inspiration to push past that fear, conquer that mountain, get out of your comfort zone and be amazing. (12:11)

March 11, 2020